In November of 2005, the idea of having San Diego’s own tennis Hall of Fame was presented at a San Diego District Board Meeting. The idea was well received and subsequently, an exploratory committee was formed. After several meetings, the concept was officially outlined to the District Board, motioned, and then enthusiastically accepted. Bylaws were formed and a Selection Committee (SC) was appointed. There are six members of the Selection Committee (three serving two-year terms and three serving one-year terms).
Beginning with the San Diego Yearbook, published and issued in January 2006, nominations for potential inductees were opened to the general public. Additional posts were published in the San Diego Union-Tribune, the San Diego Tennis Reporter and the Southern California edition of Inside Tennis. Sixty-five (65) nominations later, while establishing a methodology in which to determine ten inductees for the Class of 2006, the Selection Committee agreed on ten individuals who left an indelible mark in San Diego’s rich and abundant tennis history. The inductees were recognized in at least one or more the following categories:
World Class
College Greats and Junior Stand-Outs
Coaches, Teaching Pros and Mentors
Community Service, Philanthropy, Officiating and Media
Senior Success
It was decided that the venue to present those selected to the SDTHOF would take place at an Induction Ceremony, to be held in conjunction with the annual San Diego District Tennis Championships. It was the hope that this would become an ongoing tradition. And, finally, a permanent display located at the BTC Clubhouse was chosen to showcase memorabilia of the current year of inductees for the San Diego tennis community to enjoy and appreciate. San Diego has always been one of the greatest hot beds for tennis in the U.S. It is time to honor our champions of the game and preserve San Diego’s tennis history for generations to come!
San Diego Tennis Hall of Fame Class of 2024